

                            Window, oil oncanvans, 43 x 35 in 

Doble window, oil on canvans, 43x35 in

New York entry, oil on canvans, 51x35 in

New York window, oil on canvans, 47x35 in

Gualiva forest, oil on canvans, 55x47 in

Gualivá door, oil on glass and wood,83x33 in


Gloria Merino's painting is developed with the insistent study of the landscape carefully observed centimeter by centimeter.

She paints what her sight encompasses, covering the canvans with the necessary pigment so that her marks are formally consistent and significant. With this “whole system” the landscape becomes  itself painting , acquiring an autonomous form that exist  aside from local anecdote.

Gloria Merino gives a good precedent for painting as an object beyond superfluous decoration, to invite us to a serious and stimulating consideration of the landscape as a good painting.


Intermediate generation (1998) – Library Luis Angel Arango. pg 36

Gorgona (diptic),oil on linen, 77 x102 in

Chisacá , (diptic),oil on linen, 77 x102 in

Leaf, oil on linen, 51 x37 in

Underwater forest,  oil on linen,in,51x35 in

Renacos, oil on linen, 77x51 in

                                         Eltna fractal, oil on linen, 75x75 in

Neptuna, oil on canvans,63x51 in

Bromeliad, oil on canvans, 24x18 in

Briales, oil on canvans, 24x18 in 

Tree on rock, oil on canvans,51x38 in

Gorgona going up, oil on canvans, 51x38 in

Golconda, oil on canvans, 55x43 in

Bromeliad, oil on canvans, 38x51 in

Subia, oil on canvans, 38x51 in

Reaction, oil on canvans, 35 x51 in

The Verjon mandala, oil on canvans, 71x51 in

The Petaca lagoon mandala, oil on canvans, 71x51 in

Primordial lichen, oil on canvans, 63x51 in.

Hat - Victoria Regia, oil on canvans, 51x35 in


Water in images and in the environment

Interdisciplinary research project with professor Tomás León Sicard from the IDEA - Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales. 

Universidad  Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Water mandala-moss, light box, 39x39 in 

Mandala hummingbird,  light box, 20x20 in 

Water drop mandala- light box, 20x20 in 

 Exhibition Water  Mandalas , Art Museum , Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Moving water in nature

Research project Universidad  Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Waterfall La Tocola

Air, stone and water , La Tocola

Canyon Aguadita

Immeasurable Paramos

Interdisciplinary research project with professor Thomas Van Der Hammen.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Siecha lagoon

Frailejon - Siecha

Bocagrande paramo lagoon 

Bromeliad - Bocagrande

Siecha lagoons

Flexible Universe

Yahuarcaca  Lakes - Amazon (High waters - shallow waters)

Interdisciplinary research project with  professor Santiago Duque from GLA Limnology Group Amazon. 

Campus Amazon Universidad Nacional de Colombia 

Renacos low water - Yahuarcaca

Syzygium Malacense 

Renacos  high waters - Yahuarcaca

Canoe   high waters- Yahuarcaca

Jungle berries

House -high waters - Yahuarcaca

Reflections -  Amazon

Amazonas river

Fisherman  in a river  Yahuarcaca 

Reflection - Yahuarcaca

Glass in Yahuarcaca lagoon

Sunset in Yahuarcaca lagoon


Interdisciplinary research project with professor Jorge Enrique Gonzalez - Unesco Seminar  - Paramos World Heritage - Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Centenary, light box, 39 inches

Galaxy, light box, 39 inches

Precipitation, light box, 19 inches

Immaculate, light box, 39 inches


Bark 1  Yosemite, charcoal on Arches paper,

 21 x33 in

Bark 2 Yosemite, charcoal on Arches paper,

 33 x 21 in

Bark 3, Yosemite, charcoal on Arches paper,

21x33 in

Bark 4, Yosemite, charcoal on Arches paper,

 33 x 21 in

Roots  Yosemite, charcoal on Arches paper,

                        42x33 in.

             Nature against nature, charcoal on Arches paper, polyptych,59 x147 in

              Nature against nature, charcoal on Arches paper,                                                       polyptych detail, 59x41 in.

               Nature against nature, charcoal on Arches paper,

polyptych detail, 59x41 in


 From the chaos established by man in the bowels of our territory, the drawings create a symbolic universe in which the intrinsic wisdom of nature is able to  restore harmony on earth and in human consciences.

On the  Llanos bowels, 

Charcoal and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper, 39x27 inc


Intruders on  Santander, 

Charcoal and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc

Hostile reflections, 

Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc


Macro peptaloptiosis reacting to intruders, 

Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc

 Micelios communicating and proceding, 

 Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc

Biorremediation actions, 

Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano  paper , 39x27 inc

Biorremediation and peptaloptiosis actions. 

charcoal and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc

Specular Harmonization,charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on

Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc

Peptaloptiosis and castor plants acting on the roadside,

  Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inch.

Peptaloptiosis growing and acting in theAmazonas, 

Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil  on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc,

 Heart resonance as a  gong,

 Charcoal, pastels and sanguine pencil on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc


Evolutionary repair, 

Charcoal and pastels on Fabriano paper , 39x27 inc


                                                                                Between micro and macro, 

Charcoal on  Fabriano  paper , 39x27 inc